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About Me

My Story

Hi 👋! My name is Georgios Karanikas, I have been working as FullStack Software Engineer for about 10 years now over different sectors, including food, construction, finance and other industries.
Over the course of those years I have worked with different technologies and stacks both in backend and in frontend but I really enjoy working with Java and React! I like getting my hands dirty with different things this is why you will see me getting involved in the whole process of software development from coding to ops. I really like automating stuff, working with clean code and best practices all over the stack.
I have experience working in large and small teams as well as freelancing for single person projects.
Happy husband and father of two, currently living in Lamia, Greece. I love winter, mountains and basketball!

Backend Background

I have worked with Java's different frameworks including Spring, Micronaut and Quarkus to build various sized services communicating either synchronously or asynchronously. Additionally I have worked on several projects developed on Node.js.

Frontend Background

My frontend journey started with JS and jQuery and over the years I have worked with different frameworks/libs including Ember.js, AngularJS, Angular and my personal favorite React ❤️.

Ops Background

I really like automation and I have had my share or working with CIs on GitLab CI, Jenkins, CircleCI, and Travis to introduce CI/CD to numerous applications deployed in different stacks varying from static assets to K8s. I have worked with Ansible as well and AWS Cloudformation.
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